Fall & Spring CleanupsBen's Lawn Care Leaf Icon

Fall & Spring Clean & Dethatching Services

  • State-of-the-Art Lawn Care Equipment
  • Seasonal Lawn Cleanup Services
  • Budget-Friendly Prices & Flexible Scheduling
  • Decades of Lawn Care & Landscaping Experience

When the seasons change, your lawn needs special care to stay healthy and vibrant. Ben's Lawn Care offers comprehensive fall and spring cleanup services in Wayzata and surrounding areas, preserving your lawn’s pristine appearance and preparing your yard for the coming season.

Keep Your Yard Looking Its Best All Year Long

Your lawn experiences a lot during the year, from summer's intense heat to winter's freezing temperatures. Seasonal cleanup is essential to keeping your yard looking its best, so we provide thorough and meticulous lawn cleanup services that enhance your lawn's appearance and promote its overall health.

Our lawn care and landscaping team takes the time to carefully clear away debris, trim overgrown areas, and prepare your yard for the new season, giving your lawn the best possible start to every season. Regular seasonal cleanups are key to maintaining a healthy lawn and preventing thatch buildup, pest infestations, and nutrient deficiencies.

By choosing Ben’s Lawn Care for your fall and spring cleanup needs, you’re investing in your property's long-term health and beauty. Read our reviews to get a feel of our outstanding commitment to superior customer service and lawn care!

What Can Seasonal Lawn Care Do for Your Yard?

Seasonal lawn care is about more than just appearances; It’s essential to keep your lawn healthy and strong throughout the year. Our fall and spring cleanup services are designed to address your yard's specific needs as the seasons change.

Learn how we ensure your grass, soil, and plants are well-prepared for whatever comes next!

X Icon Replenish Your Roots & Soil

Healthy roots and soil are the foundation of a beautiful lawn. Our seasonal cleanup services include fertilization and soil conditioning to replenish essential nutrients and promote strong root growth.

X Icon Prepare Your Yard for Winter

As winter approaches, it is important to prepare your lawn to withstand the cold. We help protect your grass and plants from harsh winter conditions by clearing away debris, applying protective treatments, and winterizing your yard.

X Icon Eliminate Rodents & Pests

Fallen leaves and debris can create the perfect environment for pests and rodents to take over your yard. Our cleanup services include removing these potential habitats to keep your lawn safe and pest-free.

X Icon Remove Unwanted Debris & Shrubbery

Overgrown shrubs and accumulated debris can detract from your lawn's appearance and health. We clear away dead leaves, branches, and other unwanted materials to give your lawn a clean, fresh start for the season ahead.

Read Ben's Blog For Lawn Care Tips & Trends

6 Best Practices for Efficient Lawn Irrigation

Looking to maintain a fresh, green lawn? Here are the six best practices every homeowner should know about how to efficiently water their lawn.

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